How To Create Cash App Account How to set up cash app account on your mobile phone
How To Create Cash App Account / How to set up cash app account on your mobile phone
If you have Gmail from a country other than USA Gmail in PlayStore, you will not find the CaseApp application
To open a Cash App account, you will need US Full Fresh SSN
If you want to buy SSN, click on the link
Once the application is downloaded
First you need to connect VPN to your phone by selecting any VPN United States country
Then you will open the cash application
If you want to open a Cash App account with Gmail, you can use Gmail and then click on Next option.
Gmail will give you a six digit OTP in Gmail. Click on the next option with OTP from the mail inbox.
When the next option comes, select either United States or United Kingdom according to your SSN.
Debit Card Ad You can add or skip to the card if you want
Then give the first and second name according to the name of your SSN
After clicking on the next option, select the cache tag and click on Next
After clicking on the next option, select the cache tag and click on Next
Click Friend Refer skib
Then your Cash App account is opened
We have created an account
Now how to order cash app card
first you have to click on the card option
We will select the classic and black card
Then I will click on the order cardThen give the full address of the SSN of your cash app. After giving the full address, it will show three addresses.
Then give ssn date of birthday
Click scroll to continue
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You will see your cash card order confirmed done click
enjoy your cash account
If there is any problem in understanding, you can watch the video given below